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CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 2/14/08 / issue #6.17

Extra credit works!  I was pleased with the turn out of last Tuesday's parent meeting.  This is a crucial time for CV Instrumental music.  We have many opportunities for people to get involved.      Currently, there is a high percentage of Senior and Junior parents who attend the meetings. We need some new Freshmen and Sophomore parents to begin thinking of ways in which they can volunteer.  From chaperoning, making phone calls and translating, to being on a committee or even on the board, it takes everyone to help keep a stable and worthwhile department.  Many things that we need help with are just one time events that require minimal time and effort.  I truly want to avoid parent burn-out and currently we have some very dedicated parents performing duties which could easily be divided.
Thank you for your understanding and support!

In this issue:

falcon notes
spring trip
it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing
see's candy fundraiser
volunteer opportunities
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links -

CVIM Foundation-Support Page
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


FINAL PAYMENT is due on Friday, Feb 22!  All permission slips, medical forms and insurance info should be already turned in!  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Schick.

IMPORTANT: There will be a mandatory information meeting during the first week of April for every trip student and their parent!! Watch this space for dates and more info.


Join Jazz Band on Saturday, Feb 23 for their 2nd Annual Swing Dance!   Right here in the CVHS Cafeteria (enter corner of Glenwood & Prospect Ave)

This year a delicious Italian dinner is also available! (dinner reservations due 2/20)

Admission only: $10 per person ($5 w CV_ASB)   Admission and Dinner: $20 per person ($15 w/ CV ASB card) Reservations required for dinner!

Free swing dance lessons with admission, beginning at 6:30pm! 

Email mschick@gusd.net or call 818-249-5871 x3106 with questions or to reserve a dinner. 


Delicious SEE'S Easter candies are here again! 

Sale begins Friday, 2/15 and all forms and money are due back Monday, 2/25! 

Items will be ready for pickup on March 12  --  just in time to be a perfect Easter gift! 

Here are some up-coming events where we will be needing chaperones!  If you read the Falcon Notes and are looking a starting place to help out your student and the Instrumental Program, or just want more information, please contact one of the following people:

Concert Band -
Festivals on March 1 and March 18 - contact Christine Pham

Wind Ensemble - Festival on March 18 - contact Christine Pham
Jazz Band - Gigs or Festivals on March 8, March 16, April 5 - contact Jeanne Boukidis
String Orchestra - Festival on March 19 - contact Lisa Ventura
Symphony - Symphonies for Schools at Disney Hall on Feb 29,
                  and Festivals on March 1 and March 19 - contact Lisa Ventura

"Music is Love in search of a word."

Sidney Lanier


Happy Valentine's Day!


February 18 - Holiday, no school
February 23 - JB - CV Swing Dance and Dinner!
February 26 - JB Combo - Founders Gig
February 29 - Symphony -
"Symphonies for Schools"

March 1 - GUSD Festival - Concert Band and Symphony
March 6 - Symphony - Mayfair Orchestra Festival
March 7 - Student Free day (no school), Musical Opens
March 8 - JB - Esperanza Jazz Festival
March 11 - Music Booster Meeting - 7-8pm, Music Room
March 18 - CB&WE, Baldwin Park Festival.
              - All groups: Spring Concert Rehearsal 3-5:30
March 19 - Sym & SO - LB Poly Festival
              - All groups: Spring Concert Rehearsal 3-5:30
March 20 - Instrumental Spring Concert - 7pm (call time 6)

For detailed Information on dates click here

If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at MSchick@gusd.net