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CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 12-13-07 / issue #6.13


It's the last newsletter of 2007 already?  Wow!  So much has happened that it's hard to believe that we have even more to accomplish next year with Festivals, Concerts, and the spring trip.
I truly hope that the next two weeks are a restful and relaxing.  We've been going at such a frantic pace this Holiday season that it's nice to just stop and breath in once an awhile.
While you are watching the Rose Parade on December 1st, remember that four CV students will be marching down Colorado Boulevard with the PCC Tournament of Roses Honor Band. 
Have a great Winter Break and I'll see you in January!

In this issue:

falcon notes
winter concert recap
pit orchestra auditions
pcc tor honor band
fundraising opportunities
canned food/toy drivef
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links -

CVIM Foundation-Support Page
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


Every year I am amazed at the outstanding talent we have here at CV.  Every class performed with a unique energy and enthusiasm that made the Winter Concert remarkable.  I'm pleased that so many of you were able to make the concert.

Many ingredients went into making the concert a success.  One group of parents I neglected to mention were the ones who helped decorate the auditorium in a festive, Holiday Theme.  Maribel Sibulo and her crew spent days (and nights) making sure our concert had a special Winter flair.  Thank you!


Applications are still being accepted for this school year's pit orchestra!  Audition forms are available in the band room and online.  Times will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis, so make sure your application is turned in asap to ensure the time you want!

Audition dates will take place during the 2nd week of January: Tuesday through Thursday (1/8-10) from 6th period to 5:10pm in the band room.


Michael Boukidis, Henry Yang, Olivia Trimis (2nd time!), and Dorothy Chung all will represent CV at the Rose Parade!  Make sure that you watch the parade on TV or better yet, camp out on Colorado Boulevard to cheer them on!

They will also perform at Band Fest, which is held at PCC on December 29 (2-4:30pm) & 30 (10-12:30pm & 2-4:30pm).  Admission is $10.  Click the link above for more information!


To help students defray the cost for this year's San Diego trip, the current fundraiser students can participate in is Community Discount Cards!  Students can purchase 5 cards for $25.00.  Each card sells for $10.00.  Student will collect $50.00 from sales.  Students then keep the initial $25.00 and turn in the $25.00 profit towards their San Diego Trip.


Thank you to everyone who donated this year!!  As a department, were able to donate 615 small cans, 539 large cans and 597 toys.


Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.
Samuel Butler

December 17-January 1 - Winter break!! :)
January 8 - Booster Meeting, 7-8pm
January 8-10 - Spring Musical Pit auditions
January 19 - JB - La Crescenta Women's Club Gig
January 21 - No school (MLK Holiday)
January 29-31 - Finals week

For detailed Information on dates click here
If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at mozmatt@charter.net