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CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 11-29-07 / issue #6.11

Next week Friday will be our annual Winter Concert and I would like to encourage all family members and friends to attend.  All of our students have been working hard to prepare for a wonderful concert.  The date has been on the calendar since the beginning of school and I would like to remind you all how important it is to support your children by attending these annual performances. 
Too many times I see parents who "drop off" their kids before a concert, go home and pick them up afterwards.  I believe that this sends a wrong message to the students.
Next Friday will be an incredible event and you will want to be a part of it.  You will want to tell your child what a great job they did and see their reaction knowing that you were able to see them perform live.   Asking how they did because you were unable to attend for whatever reason just doesn't mean the same.  Do what you can to attend next Friday.  We all make sacrifices and the biggest ones should be for the development of our children.  You will see it pay great dividends as they mature.
My mother was a single mother while I grew up and had to work full time to raise me by herself.  My dad was not in the picture at all and I will never forget how she sacrificed to make sure she attended every concert I had.  Even to this day she comes to a majority of our School Concerts.
I look forward to seeing you next Friday. 

In this issue:

falcon notes
moorpark comp
montrose parade
lost and found
winter concert rehearsals
fundraising opportunities
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links -

CVIM Foundation-Support Page
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


In preparation for the Instrumental Winter Concert on Friday, Dec. 7, ALL GROUPS have mandatory rehearsals on Wednesday & Thursday, Dec. 5 & 6.

Rehearsals are from 3-5:30pm.  Each group is only rehearsing for 15-20 minutes during those hours.  Students are encouraged to bring homework to work on during the "dead" time.

Specific rehearsal times will be announced next week.



We did a fantastic job at our last competition of the marching season!  Not only did we get our highest scores of the season, but the music score we received showed how hard the band has worked since August.  Great job!


The CVHS Marching Band will be participating in the annual Montrose Parade THIS  Saturday, December 1.  Call time for all marching band members is 4pm at CVHS.  We will be transporting students in groups to Honolulu as soon as
people are ready.  Students should be done around 9pm.


There are currently 15+ articles of "lost" clothing that have been collecting all Marching season, most of which are Band shirts and sweaters. :( 

If you know your son or daughter is missing something, please contact me immediately.  After the season (this weekend), the articles will become property of band.


To help students defray the cost for this year's San Diego trip, there are a number of upcoming fundraisers students can participate in:

1) Border's gift wrap:
Sign-ups are going fast!  There are only a couple slots left, so see Mr. Schick asap!

2) Community Discount Cards:
Come get your cards!!  Students can now purchase 5 cards for $25.00.  Each card sells for $10.00.  Student will collect $50.00 from sales.  Students then keep the initial $25.00 and turn in the $25.00 profit towards their San Diego Trip.


A jazz musician is a juggler who uses harmonies instead of oranges.

Benny Green

November 29 - Choral Feast of Lights, 7pm auditorium
November 30 - Choral Feast of Lights, 7pm auditorium
December 1 - MB - Montrose Parade
December 5 - Winter Concert Rehearsal I, 3-5:30pm
December 6 - Winter Concert Rehearsal II, 3-5:30pm
December 7 - JB - Oakmont Country Club Gig
December 7 - Instrumental Winter Concert, 7pm
December 11 - Booster Meeting, 7-8pm
December 17-January 1 - Winter break!! :)

For detailed Information on dates click here
If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at mozmatt@charter.net