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CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 6-08-07 / issue #5.34

Tonight is the night!  The CVHS Instrumental Pops concert starts tonight at 7:00pm in the auditorium.  It will be a night filled with marvelous music and magical memories.  Our theme this year is "Once Upon a Time" and will feature songs which are programmatic in nature.  Each story will be represented through music and should be a wonderful experience for everyone.
We've had a great year and I'm proud to have our students perform for you tonight.  When the students were asked about the purpose of stories, they responded with some very deep answers:
"To communicate values and lessons throughout generations and stimulate imagination."
"Brighten the world, give hope, make you believe that anything is possible."
We have some very bright and talented individuals and I look forward to seeing you all tonight at our last concert of the year!

In this issue:

falcon notes
spring swing dance
june car wash
pops concert
june booster meeting
band camp 07 info
fundraising update
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links -

Booster - Foundation-Support Page
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


On Saturday, June 9th, from 7pm to 10pm in the Cafeteria, come and swing to the wonderful sounds of the CVHS Jazz Band. 
Admission is only $10.00 per person or $15.00 per couple.  Light refreshments will be served.  You will also learn to Swing Dance.
Contact Lisa Heflin for reservations
at (818) 248-9623.

The Instrumental Department will be hosting a Car Wash to raise funds on Saturday, June 9 from 10am-2pm in the upper faculty parking lot, located on Ramsdell & Community.

Six tickets were issued to each student and we are expecting each student to sell a minimum of 3 tickets.  Money and tickets were due TODAY, June 8th.  You can still turn in money and tickets at the concert.

Volunteers are needed for several shifts and sign-up sheets can be found in the music room!


The annual Instrumental Pops Concert is on Friday, June 8 at 7pm!!!

Come listen to the fantastic sounds of all our instrumental music groups, as they perform songs that tie into this year's theme, "Once Upon A Time"!

Everyone is encouraged to join us at our last meeting on Tuesday, June 12, as we look back at the 2005-6 year and prepare for next year.

For planning purposes, a tentative schedule for the 07-08 Marching Band season is now online on the
Marching Band Info 2007-8 page!  Football games are currently on the calendar and we are in the process of scheduling in competitions and parades.  Please plan accordingly! :)

Dining Out: 
Thank you to everyone who went to Grandview Palace last week!  The last dine out fundraiser for the school year is at Los Gringos Rapido on Thursday, June 14!  Click here to download the flyer!

June fundraisers: The department will be hosting a car wash and a Spring Swing Dance event on June 9!  Volunteers are needed for both events!


I've never known a musician who regretted being one.  Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down.
Virgil Thomson

June 8 - Instrumental Pops Concert, 7pm
June 9 - Instrumental Car Wash, 10am-2pm
June 9 - Spring Swing Dance, 7pm-10pm (JB, volunteers)
June 12 - Booster Meeting, 7pm
June 14 -
Dine Out @ Los Gringos
June 15 - End of the Year Banquet
June 20 - Graduation

For detailed Information on dates click here

If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at mozmatt@falconmusic.org