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CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 4-30-07 / issue #5.30

Welcome back!  We've survived the first week after Spring Break!  More importantly, we're just recovering from our Spring trip to Florida.
This week we are preparing for our "Pops Concert."  The theme this year is "Once upon a Time."  We will be selling ad space for our concert program and are looking for talented individuals to design a cover.
Even though we are still in 2006-7, we are already planning for 2007-8.
Auditions for Jazz and Symphony Orchestra will start next week.  Watch this space for more information.
Drum Line clinics and auditions will begin soon.  More information will be available next week.
Color guard auditions will start next week.
We had a great Incoming Music Freshmen meeting last night.  It was wonderful seeing so many enthusiastic parents and students.
If you haven't done so yet, please turn in your Mark Blinoff Grant applications.  The deadline has been extended to May 18.
Have a great week!

In this issue:

falcon notes
mark blinoff grant
jb and sym 07-08 tryouts
colorguard tryouts
may booster meeting
incoming freshmen night
fundraising update
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links -

Booster - Foundation-Support Page
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


Tentative audition days. 
Specific Times will be posted on Monday April 30.
Good luck!  

Thurs. May 3:
Percussion, Drum Set, Clarinets
Fri. May 4: Oboes, Saxes
Mon. May 7: Trumpet, Bass (& Rosemont students)
Tues. May 8: Violins
Wed. May 9: Piano, Cello
Thurs. May 10: Trombone, Flute, Tuba, Viola

Pictures are up!

Florida was amazing!  All of our groups performed extremely well.  Symphony Orchestra came home with a Gold Mickey since they had the highest score out of all the Orchestras and "Best in Class" Mickey since they scored the highest in their category.  They actually scored the highest out of all 53 Instrumental groups who competed.
Concert Band earned a Silver Mickey for receiving the second highest score out of all the 18 bands which competed.  Jazz Band earned a "Best in Class" Mickey for scoring highest in their category. Neal Rea earned a special award (1 of 4 given out) for his Outstanding Oboe skills.  Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble and String Orchestra earned high excellents while Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra earned Superiors. 
  If you have pictures you want considered for the end of the year slideshow, please send them to Mr. Schick or make a CD of them =)

Colorguard is a non-auditioned group and participating students will receive PE credit.

For anyone interesting in joining colorguard, clinics will be held starting next week, Monday thru Friday (April 30 - May 4).  They begin in the band room at 3:30 and end at 5:30.

You will need to bring comfortable clothes, a positive attitude, and a willingness to work!  WOOHOO =)


Our second annual Mark Blinoff Memorial Grant is now available.  Grants up to $300.00 will be awarded to graduating seniors who have been active in an instrumental music performing group at CVHS and wishes to continue their music education at a college, university, or conservatory of music.  If a senior does not plan in majoring in music, they must demonstrate how they will still play music in college.

Applications should be mailed to:
CVIM Foundation, P.O.Box 582,
Verdugo City, CA 91046

The deadline for Grant applications has been extended to Friday, May 18.

Download a Blinoff Grant Application (pdf)


We had a great meeting with the incoming freshmen parents last night.  We look forward to including them in next year's activities!


Our next Parent meeting will be on Tuesday, May 8th at 7pm, where we'll discuss the happenings of the Instrumental Department!

Dining Out: 
Next month's dine out fundraiser is at Grandview Palace on Thursday, May 17!  Click here to download the flyer.

Music is spiritual.  The music business is not.
Van Morrison

May 3-May 10 - JB/Sym Tryouts
April 30-May 5 - Colorguard Auditions/Rehearsals
May 7 - Colorguard Tryouts
May 8 - Booster Meeting, 7pm
May 9 - JB - Taste of Downtown Glendale
May 17 -
Dine Out @ Grandview
May 19 - JB - Foothills Relay for Life @ Clark
May 22 - Ensemble Concert II

For detailed Information on dates click here

If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at mozmatt@falconmusic.org