CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 4-2-06 / issue #4.27

Hello falcon music friends, parents and students!  I hope your week was a great one and you all remembered to set your clocks forward 1 hour!
We had a great Spring Trip meeting on Thursday.  Parents and students were able to meet their chaperones as we all went over the rules, packing lists and itinerary. I can't believe we leave on Friday morning!
I had a wonderful opportunity to visit the instrumental music classes at Rosemont where I explained the musical opportunities they will have when they enter CV in the fall.  There were so many talented and eager young musicians waiting to become a part of the CV music department.
If you would like to purchase a CD from our Spring Concert, please turn in an order form.  They are available online or from Mr. Schick.

If you haven't done so already, view the pictures online from the Spring Concert.

Have a great week and I'll see you at Open House!

In this issue:

falcon notes
san francisco info
kiwanis car show
burroughs festival
mark blinoff memorial grant
2006-7 JB/Sym audition info
no booster meeting 4-4-06
open house 4-6-06
pops concert cover art contest
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links

Spring Trip Page -
Booster Page
Music Department pictures - new 4/3
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


The spring trip is less than a week away!  All general information about the Spring Trip is now posted online.  Forms that were passed out at the meeting on Thursday can be downloaded.  Festival times for all groups are also posted.  Please make sure you have all the correct information about our spring trip if your child is participating.


Concert Band and Wind Ensemble both performed on March 31st and did very well.  The Wind Ensemble earned a "Good" Rating for performance and an "Excellent" rating for sight-reading.
Concert Band, one of the largest bands at the festival, earned an "Excellent" for Performance and a "Superior" in sight-reading.  Great job for both groups as this opportunity is a "tune-up" for our upcoming San Francisco festival.

The rain finally went away and the Jazz Band played a very entertaining set at Verdugo park!  We'll have pictures on the website on Monday.
What a great community performance!

If you are planning to audition Jazz Band or Symphony, start preparing now!  Audition Information for next school year is now online.  Auditions will take place during the first 2 weeks of May.  Forms will be available soon. 


Graduating seniors who have been in the Instrumental music program at CVHS for 3 or more years may apply for grants up to $300.00.
Click here for an application or see Mr. Schick.
Applications are due April 28.

Due to the Spring Trip in April, we will cancel the April Booster Meeting.  Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 9th from 7:00 - 8:00 in the Instrumental Music Room.  See you there!
 OPEN HOUSE 4-6-06

CV will be having it's annual Open House this Thursday, April 6.  There will be a short presentation on the rally platform at 6:30pm and all classroom visitations are from 7pm-8:30pm.  This is also a minimum day for

All cover art for the upcoming Instrumental Pops Concert is due this Tuesday, April 4.  Please turn in any artwork to Mr. Schick.  The winner of the contest will receive a free CD of the concert.

"Music is a safe kind of high."
 - Jimi Hendrix

April 7 - End of 3rd Quarter - Minimum Day; SF Trip!!
April 10-14 - Spring Break
April 18 - 9th Grade Parent Night, JB
April 24 - Ensemble Concert Rehearsal, 3:15-5pm
April 25 - Ensemble Concert, 7pm
May 9 - Booster Meeting, 7pm
May 13 - Car Wash
May 17-18 - Pops Concert Rehearsals, 3-5:30pm
May 19 - Pops Concert, 7pm, Auditorium

For detailed Information on dates click here
nstrumental Music 
If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at