Spring Trip -- San Francisco/Monterey Bay -- April 7-10, 2006

Welcome to the Spring Trip Info page!

This year the Instrumental Music Department will be going north to the beautiful San Francisco Bay area, to compete in the San Jose Heritage Music Festival.

Below are printable forms and general trip information.

General Trip Info

Depart: Fri. Apr. 7, 2006 @ 7:30am
Return: Mon. Apr. 10, 2006 @ 9-9:30pm

Lodging Information:
County Inn & Suites
1300 Chesapeake Terrace
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Emergency contact chaperone:

Festival Info

Heritage Festivals

Festival Location:
Foothill College
12345 S El Monte Rd.
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Festival Schedule:
Jazz Band - WU @ 10:31am, Perf @ 11am
Concert Band - WU @ 1:10pm, Perf @ 1:45pm
Wind Ensemble (CB2) - WU @ 2:20pm, Perf @ 2:55pm
String Orchestra - WU @ 3:30pm, Perf @ 4:05pm
Symphony - WU @ 4:40pm, Perf @ 5:15pm





Jazz Band:
Gold Rating, 3rd (out of 8)
Concert Band:
Gold Rating, 3rd (out of 9)
String Orchestra:
Silver Rating
Wind Ensemble:
 Bronze Rating
Symphony Orchestra:
 Gold Rating, 1st (out of 12)

Adjudicators Awards:
(over 92 average Score)
 - Symphony
 - Concert Band
 - Jazz Band

Orchestra Grand Champion
(best overall score from all 12
Orchestras - regardless of class)
 - Symphony Orchestra