CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 4-11-06 / issue #4.28

I hope that everyone is enjoying their Spring Break and taking the opportunity to relax and spend time with friends and family.  We just came back from our successful Spring Trip to San Francisco and Monterey.  Overall, we took 180 people (students AND Chaperones) on this year's spring trip and had a wonderful time.  From walking across the Golden Gate Bridge in the rain and hiding in the shops on Pier 39 and our impressive performances, to hotel hijinks, a deserted Great America (more rides for us!) and the stunning aquarium in Monterey, we all had a wonderful time.
I'd like to thank the chaperones who helped to make this a safe trip as well as our students who were respectful and represented CV in a positive light.

Have a great Spring Break!  (Mark your calendars for our trip to Florida next year!)

In this issue:

falcon notes
2006-7 audition info
san francisco / monterey results
jazz gig
spring concert cd's
mark blinoff grant
pops concert cover art contest
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links

Spring Trip Page -
Booster Page
Music Department pictures - new 4/11
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


If you are planning to audition Jazz Band or Symphony, start preparing now!  Audition Information for next school year is now online.  Auditions will take place during the first 2 weeks of May.  Forms will be available online by the end of this week.


All of our groups performed and behaved extremely well on our annual trip.  Here is a breakdown of how each group did at the festival.

Jazz Band: Gold Rating, 3rd
Concert Band: Gold Rating, 3rd
String Orchestra: Silver Rating
Wind Ensemble: Bronze Rating
Symphony Orchestra: Gold Rating, 1st

Adjudicators Awards (over 92 average Score)

 - Symphony, Concert Band, Jazz

Orchestra Grand Champion
(best overall Orchestra score)
 - Symphony Orchestra

This festival was unusually large this year.  There were 12 orchestras, 9 Bands, and 8 jazz bands, as well as over 25 choirs.
The Concert Band achieved an important milestone since this was the first time Concert Band has EVER received a Gold Rating.
Concert Band and Symphony were invited to next year's "Festival of Gold" in Boston.
Congratulations to everyone who helped make this a successful trip.
 JAZZ GIG 4/18/06
9th grade parent night is on the first Tuesday night that we return from Spring Break.   Jazz band plays at this function every year.  Specific times will be given in class on Monday.

Spring Concert CD's were passed out last week during class.  If you would like to still order a CD, please click the link on the front page of the music website. and turn it in to Mr. Schick after Spring Break.  I'll post some music on the website soon.

Graduating seniors who have been in the Instrumental music program at CVHS for 3 or more years may apply for grants up to $300.00.
Click here for an application or see Mr. Schick.
Applications are due April 28.

All cover art for the upcoming Instrumental Pops The deadline has been extended since no one has turned in any artwork.
Please turn in any artwork to Mr. Schick.  The winner of the contest will receive a free CD of the concert.


Which is more musical, a truck passing by a factory or a truck passing by a music school?
- John Cage

April 10-14 - Spring Break
April 18 - 9th Grade Parent Night, JB
April 21 - Regional SCSBOA Festival - SYM, SO
April 24 - Ensemble Concert Rehearsal, 3:15-5pm
April 25 - Ensemble Concert, 7pm
May 9 - Booster Meeting, 7pm
May 13 - Car Wash
May 17-18 - Pops Concert Rehearsals, 3-5:30pm
May 19 - Pops Concert, 7pm, Auditorium

For detailed Information on dates click here
nstrumental Music 
If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at