CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 3-26-06 / issue #4.26

This week was a hectic one for the Instrumental Music department that was highlighted by an amazing Spring Concert on Friday.  Even though we were on block schedule for the CASHEE, had a festival on Tuesday, had numerous people miss rehearsals for sports commitments and field trips, plus the fact we didn't' see some sophomores all week, we were able to pull off an outstanding concert.  The music was energetic, moving, and musical.  Every group was focused and performed to a great audience. 
Thank you to everyone who attended the concert and helped make it a success by being great audience members, or helping out behind the scenes to make sure things ran smoothly.

We have CD's of the concert available for $5.00 per group or $15.00 for the entire concert.  Order forms will be available with Mr. Schick or online on Monday.

In this issue:

falcon notes
san francisco meeting 3-30
mark blinoff memorial grant
burroughs festival 3-31
kiwanis car show 4-2
pops concert cover art contest
superior results at scsboa festival 3-21
no booster meeting 3-4-06
booster officer nominations for 2006-7
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links

Spring Trip Page -
Booster Page
Music Department pictures - new 3/27
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


For all students participating in the spring trip to San Francisco, there is a MANDATORY meeting this Thursday, March 30 from 7-8pm in the Auditorium.  Students must bring at least one parent to this meeting, as we will be going over the rules and itinerary.


Start brainstorming ideas for the Pops Concert program cover art!  The contest begins Monday, March 27.  Cover Art must be based around the theme of this year's concert, "Heroes" and should include information such as the date/time/location (Friday, May 19 @ 7pm in the MacDonald Auditorium.)  Turn in drawings and graphical designs to Mr. Schick.  Deadline for cover art ideas is Tuesday, April 4.  The winner of the contest will receive a free CD of the Pops Concert.
Mackenzie was the winner of the Spring Concert Program cover and will receive a free CD of the Spring Concert.


Graduating seniors who have been in the Instrumental music program at CVHS for 3 or more years may apply for grants up to $300.00.
Click here for an application, or go to the Instrumental Music department website and click the Grant link on the main page, or see Mr. Schick.
Applications are due April 28.

Concert Band and Wind Ensemble will be participating in the SCSBOA Adjudicated Festival held at Burroughs High School (
1920 W. Clark Ave., Burbank 91506) this Friday, March 31.  Both groups will leave school at 1:30pm and will return around 6pm (students were originally told 2:30-7pm as tentative times.)

The Kiwanis Car Show is next Sunday, April 2, in Verdugo Park at 12pm.  Meet at CV at 11am to set up and prepare.  Everyone is welcome!

Symphony and String Orchestra traveled to Long Beach Poly High School to perform at their SCSBOA Music Festival.  Both groups performed extremely well and each earned superior ratings. 
They will be performing at the end of April at the San Bernardino Regional SCSBOA Festival.   

Due to the Spring Trip in April, we will cancel the April Booster Meeting.  Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 9th from 7:00 - 8:00 in the Instrumental Music Room.  See you there!

President -Susan Stanley
1st VP for Fundraising - Susan Strohmeier,
2nd VP for Performing Groups - Lisa Heflin,
3rd VP Publicity and Special Events - Maribel Sibulo, Secretary - Annie Wright.

Here are the nominations for Booster Officers next school year.  Congratulations!

We still need a treasurer.
If interested, please contact Phil Miyazaki, Ron Crosthwaite, or Kay Ladanyi.

"Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable."
 - Leonard Bernstein

March 27 - Pops Concert Cover Art Contest (due 4/3)
March 28 - Ensemble Concert II, Audition 2
March 29 - Choral Spring Concert, 7pm
March 30 - SF Trip MANDATORY Meeting, 7-8pm, Auditorium
March 31 - SCSBOA Festival - Burroughs (CB/WE)
April 2 - JB Gig - Kiwanis Car Show, Verdugo Park, 12pm
April 3 - Booster Meeting, 7pm; Pops Concert Artwork due
April 6 - Open House - Minimum Day
April 7 - End of 3rd Quarter - Minimum Day; SF Trip!!
April 10-14 - Spring Break
April 18 - 9th Grade Parent Night, JB
April 24 - Ensemble Concert Rehearsal, 3:15-5pm
April 25 - Ensemble Concert, 7pm

For detailed Information on dates click here
CVHS Instrumental Music Sponsors
These people were mistakenly kept off the Sponsor list on our Spring Concert Program.  We would like to acknowledge their generous support.
Gold Donors ($500.00+)
Marshall and Marlene Hall
Silver Donors ($250.00+)
Allen and Molly York
The Mary Pinola Endowment Fund
The Maluccio Family Fund
Jane's Cakes and Chocolates
John C. Marr
Community Donor
Grandview Palace Inn
2650 Foothill Blvd.
La Crescenta, CA 91214
nstrumental Music 
If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at