CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletterdate 10-02-05 / issue #4.9

Thank you to everyone who has been a supporter of the music program.  We have already had two fundraisers since School has started.  I realize that this puts a lot of demands on families and I can assure you that future fundraisers will not be as close together.

We passed out Spring Trip information on Wednesday the 28.  This year we are going to San Francisco and Monterey Bay for 4 days and 3 nights.  More information regarding the trip is on the website.  The first deposit of $75.00 is due on Wednesday October 5.  Next year we are planning to travel to Florida.

This Tuesday is the last day to turn in the order forms for the Cookie Man Fundraiser. Please turn in your order forms on time.

We've done great so far this year.  Impressed with the sounds of all our groups.  The first concert is going to be amazing!

In this issue:

falcon notes
entertainment books
links don't work?
Cookie Man Fundraiser
spring trip
winter art program cover contest
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links

Spring Trip Page
Booster Page
Marching Band away game pics
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website

The following committees are in need of leaders.  Please contact Michele Pashayi if you can help.

Borders gift wrap
Rummage Sale
Program Ads
Sign Making

Thank you for your help.


We saw our first field show of the year today.  La Canada put on a wonderful show from the composer, PDQ Bach.  We saw a crazy rendition of the "1712 Overture."  The football team lost again, but the band had a great time trying to pep up the team and crowd.

This newsletter is formatted for use in html friendly email programs.  Some email programs won't read the links in this newsletter.
This and all newsletters are available on the falconmusic website.
Clip and paste the following address in your browser.

This Tuesday is the official end of our Cookieman Fundraiser.

Please remember the following: a) Write down a prize code
b) Keep the pink slip
c) Checks are made out to CVHS
d) Put students name and "band" in the memo line of checks
e) Product will be delivered in 3 weeks. 

This year, the music department will be taking a trip to San Francisco and making a stop at Monterey Bay on the way home.  The entire trip will cost $400.00 and the first deposit of $75.00 is due Wednesday October 5.  Chaperones are $175.   If you are interested in Chaperoning, please contact me by email.  Check out the Spring Trip info page throughout the year for more details.

Winter Art Program Cover Contest

This Wednesday, October 5 is the due date for all Winter Concert Cover Art.

We are looking for designs which have the following themes:

The Holidays

Good luck.  The winner will receive a free DVD and CD of the Winter Concert.


When people hear good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had and never will have.

Edgar Watson Howe

October 4 - Cookie Man Fundraiser Ends
October 5 - Ensemble Concert 1st audition
                 Winter Art Due, Spring Trip Deposit due
October 7 - Away Football - Burroughs
October 10 - Student Holiday (no School)
October 11 - Music Parents meeting, 7-8, room 3102


For detailed Information on dates click here
Copyright © CVHS Instrumental Music 
If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick at