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CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletter date 3-21-08/ issue #6.22


Our concert last night was the highest attended Spring Concert ever!  I was surprised since the concert ended up having to be on a Thursday due to Good Friday.  Thank you all for coming out on a school night to support your children and the Instrumental Music program. 
I am constantly amazed by the amount of challenging music our students can handle.  It seems that whenever we "up the bar" musically, they respond successfully.  This year's Spring Concert showcased all of our festival music.  Every group has attended festivals.  Jazz Band and String will attend another one within the next couple weeks.  This week was intense. We had 2 rehearsals, 2 festivals and the concert.  Now we prepare for San Diego and the upcoming Pops Concert in May!  Happy Easter and have a great weekend.

In this issue:

falcon notes
new festival dates
spring trip update
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links -

CVIM Foundation-Support Page
Instrumental Calendar
Class Forms and Handouts

Music Department Website


Have you checked out the pictures on the website?  We are always looking for more photos!  Give your pictures to Mr. Schick, he can scan photos, copy from CDs & memory devices, or download them right from your camera.


         THURSDAY, MARCH 27

String Orchestra will be participating in the Pacific High School SCSBOA Festival NEXT THURSDAY!  Please put this late addition on your calendar.  Call time: 11:45am, return ~5:30.  Permission slips have gone home to be signed, and are due back on Monday.


Symphony and Concert Band received Superior ratings at their Festivals, which qualifies them to participate in a Regional Festival!  This year we were able to find a opening at the MOORPARK REGIONAL FESTIVAL!
DATE: Tuesday, April 22
TIMES: Call time - ~2pm, return ~7:30

Check the Detailed Calendar for info and updates on events.




Don't forget to get together on Monday the 24th to take group pictures!  Pictures will be taken during Snack, Lunch and after school. 
Only 22 days until we leave for San Diego
 - Don't forget the general meeting April 1st in the Cafeteria.  Attendance is mandatory for parents and students.

Auditions for 2008-09 Jazz Band and Symphony will begin the last week of April-first week of May.  Applications and more information will be available soon.  Check the website for general audition guidelines. 
Start practicing now!


"Music heard so deeply
That it is not heard at all,
but you are the music
while the music lasts."

T.S. Eliot



March 27 - Pacific Festival - String Orch. *NEW*

April 1 - San Diego Trip - Mandatory Meeting 7pm
April 5 - JB - Fullerton Jazz Festival.
April 8 - Parent Booster Meeting. 7-8pm, Music Room
April 9 - CV OPEN HOUSE - JB performs
April 11-14 - San Diego/Disney Spring Trip

April 12-20 - Spring Break
April 22 - Moorpark Regional Festival - SYM & CB

For detailed Information on dates click here

If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick