CVHS Instrumental Music Email Newsletterdate 8-10-05 / issue #4.2

I can't believe that this summer is almost over.  I look our newborn baby Scott and am amazed that he just had his two month check-up.  It only seems like yesterday that we had the End of the Year Instrumental Banquet and Graduation.  I've enjoyed these weeks spent with our New Baby.  I hope that all of you were able to find some quality time with family and friends this summer.

If you have time, take a look at the redesigned website.  The Calendar section is finished, so start marking your personal calendars to prevent conflicts.

Drum Line and Officer Camp start next week.   Everyone else in Marching Band needs to come on August 22.

Lastly, Mr. Schick is giving away his old Music Keyboard and Computer Monitor.  If you are interested, click here.

In this issue:

falcon notes
band Camp reminder
uniform fittings
officer camp
CVIM news
quote of the week
upcoming dates
web links

Web Links

Calendar- updated!
Band Camp Info Letter
Printable Music for Band Camp
2004-5 photos - only 2 more weeks

Mr. Schick's New Baby


Drum line and Pit must come to Camp on Mon. 8/15 from 9-1 every day.  Bring cool clothes, sunscreen, a hat, comfortable shoes (no sandals) and water.

Music will be provided for you when arrive.

All other musicians, if you have not done so yet,  Download the music from the web site.

The password to download the field show was incorrect last week, the true password is:



Since our first home game is September 9th, it is imperative that we fit uniforms early. 

Students are encouraged to get fitted BEFORE band camp starts  Each student who comes in on the following dates will get 20 points of Extra Credit.

●Mon. 8/15: 11-2
●Wed. 8/17: 11-2
●Thu. 8/18: 11-2

Drumline and Officers will be fitted (and receive Extra Credit) during those times listed above.


All Marching Band Officers must go to Officer Camp from 8/17-8/19.
We will plan and prepare for Band Camp.  Please bring ideas for the following:

● Bonding Activities
● Effective Leadership
● Moral Boosters
● Discipline Ideas


The first Booster (CVIm) meeting of the year is September 13 from 7-8pm in the Instrumental Music Room (3106).
Mark your calendars and plan to attend this informative meeting.

Music makes on feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays.

 - Oscar Wilde


August 15-19 - Drum Camp 9:00 - 1:00
August 17-19 - Officer Camp 9:00 - 1:00
August 22-Sept 2 - Band Camp 9:00 - 4:00
September 6 - School Starts
September 9 - First Home Football Game
September 13 - CVIM Meeting, 7:00pm Inst. Music Room

For detailed Information on dates click here
Copyright © CVHS Instrumental Music 
If you have questions regarding this newsletter email Mr. Schick