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2005-6 Field Show Music
Georgia...Good Times RollAmerica/Hal
Flute FluteFluteFlute
Clarinet 1 ClarinetClarinetClarinet
Clarinet 2 Sax - AltoSax - AltoSax - Alto
Alto Sax  Sax - TenorSax - TenorSax - Tenor
Sax - BariSax - BariSax - Bari
Tenor Sax Trumpet 1Trumpet 1Trumpet 1
Bari Sax Trumpet 2Trumpet 2Trumpet 2
Trumpet 1 Trumpet 3Trumpet 3Trumpet 3
Trumpet 2 HornHornHorn
Trumpet 3 Trombone 1Trombone 1Trombone 1
F Horn Trombone 2Trombone 2Trombone 2
Trombone 1 BaritoneBaritoneBaritone
Trombone 2  TubaTubaTuba
Baritone BCXylophoneBellsXylophone
Tuba  VibraphoneBells
Electric BassElectric Bass