Finals Schedule

Hello Music Fans!  Welcome back.  Here is the latest news from the Instrumental Music Department!

General Class News

The last day to turn in extra credit for first semester and do test make-ups is Monday, January 23rd.  Friday, January 20th is the LAST day to do sectionals for the first semester. 

Concert Band
Finals will be Friday, 1-20 and Monday 1-23.  They will perform a music excerpt in class and will be tested on Notes, Rhythm, Intonation, Tone and Musicality.   They already took a scale test this Wednesday on the Bb Major and g minor scales.  Concert Band WILL NOT meet on January 24th, 25th, and 26th.  Second semester will resume January 30th at 6:45am.  Please be on time.  Many students are still late every morning.

 Jazz Band
The final will be on January 24th from 8-10.  They will be expected to improvise in two different styles and play one of the scale exercises in a key to be determined.  The rest of the final period will consist of rehearsal for our upcoming performances.

 Wind Ensemble
The final will be on January 24th from 10:25-12:25.  The final will consist of three sections.  1) Scales – 4 random scales.  2 major, 2 minor.  2) Musical excerpt in class, and 3) Theory test on Key signatures.

Symphony Orchestra
The final will be on January 25th from 10:25-12:25.  They will have two sections to their final.  1) Scales – 4 random scales.  2 major and 2 minor (memorized)  2) Musical Excerpt.  Any time after the final will be spent rehearsing.

 String Orchestra
The final will be on January 26th from 8:00-10:00.  The final will consist of three sections.  1) Scales – 4 random scales.  2 major, 2 minor.  2) Musical excerpt in class, and 3) Theory test on Key signatures.

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